Friday, July 19, 2013

Appreciation for Hestia Retreat's Monthly Hearth Circles, by Diane Schulstad

"I find great wisdom in a quote from Joseph Campbell: "I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive."  My key to finding my own “experience of being alive” is to contemplate the myriad facets that make up my life.  The extraordinary and the mundane... the grand revelations and the daily grind... all are a part of my experience of being alive.  Yet if I never take the time to consider the separate threads and notice the individual vivid colors and interweaving that create this glorious tapestry of experience, life may seem to be pure chaos. 

I have attended two of the Hestia Hearth Circles, and each has allowed me to set aside a span of time for that necessary contemplation.   The Hestia Circles are expertly planned to create a safe and sacred space that encourages expansion of thought.  There is a choice of fascinating topics; the ones that I choose allow me to consider those aspects of my life.  Once I have registered, my attention is already focused upon the topic at hand. From the moment one enters a Circle, the Spirit’s response to beauty and sustenance is carefully tended.   In the entryway of the “Waking Into Dream” Circle, a table stood with a bouquet of beautiful flowers, a bowl of ripe, red strawberries and a plate of broken pieces of dark chocolate. Entering the room where the spiritual work/play would take place, cushioned wicker chairs with instructive packets were set in a circle, with symbolic art in the center of the circle.  Everywhere I looked in the room, there was something to awaken my curiosity and my desire to journey into the contemplative life. 

Yet I need not go on this journey alone, and that is what is exceptionally wonderful to me about the Hestia Circles.  The Circles create an intimate and warm community of like-minded women coming together to meditate and then share the wisdom from that period of reflection. I have found sharing to be a profoundly emotional experience: I value the observations of life that each woman in the Circle offers and it is a distinct honor to have my own thoughts heard.   The Circle leaders initiate our sharing with astute insights into the topics at hand and suggestions for thought.   
I am grateful for Hestia Retreat’s grace-filled events, particularly since the leaders are donating their time and considerable efforts to create an affordable experience for those of us that participate.  With my appreciation and applause!"

 ~ Diane Schulstad

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