We’ve been doing it for thousands of years.
It’s what we do innately, as women: we circle. We hunker down, we share space, we offer an ear. We come together to listen and to be heard. In this age of busy, circling becomes a sacred act – and, for some of us, a lifeline back to ourselves.
Women’s circles take many forms, but serve one purpose.
The circle is an energetic container and the women within are nourished, held and enlivened by it.
Some circles are bound by a common thread; there may be a theme or a central commitment shared by the members.
Perhaps they’re reading a book or studying something together, and discussing what they discover through the learning.
Or maybe the group wants to meditate together, to deepen their individual experiences and to create community around them.
Circles form to grapple with grief, to build solidarity, to travel through life’s more precarious chapters with support and guidance.
Circles can also be joyous, experimental and fun.
I’ve made circles an essential part of my life. There’s the women’s group that meets monthly in my backyard or my friend’s cottage to share secrets, question doubts and celebrate milestones. The mastermind sisters who offer feedback and committed support for my business as well as my larger purpose. And I facilitate a leadership circle whose women span the time zones, and where we hold space for audacious dreaming and playing bigger.
My time in circle strengthens my spirit and deepens my commitment to the life I’m creating.
I show up on my darkest days and my bright shiny ones, bringing what’s true for me at the given moment.
The circle always gives me what I need, even if I don’t know what I’m asking for. It’s a whole lot wiser than I am, and I can relax into that, knowing that it will provide the clues that lead to the insights that catalyze the action I will eventually take, when I’m ready.
For me, being in circle is the beginning, the end, and all that’s in between.

Amy Kessel is a certified coach and devoted supporter of women. A former Hestia Retreat Circle Member, she continues to contribute to the evolution of Hestia through blogging and special events. Find her online at www.amykessel.com.
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